It is important for all condo unit owners, whether they live in a condo in Tagaytay or Makati, to be aware of their title/ownership rights and responsibilities, especially for first-time property owners. Being aware of one’s legal rights and obligations can not only keep oneself protected from private property rights violations but also allow one to better function as an upstanding landlord/landowner of society.
The subject of land use and private property rights in relation to condominiums are covered under Republic Act No. 4726, also known as “The Condominium Act”. The act outlines several must-know laws detailing the responsibilities and certain rights that both unit owners and condo developers are to follow. A person unfamiliar with the law may get lost in the details and jargon in this legislation, but there are a number of resources on the Internet that can quickly explain the contents of the Condominium Act in layman’s terms.
In This Blog, You Will Know What Are Your Rights as a Property Owner, and Three of the Most Notable Private Property Rights for Condo Residents Will Be Listed Below.

Property Owners Have the Right to Decorate and Repair the Inner Surfaces of Their Unit
One of the joys of being a property owner is the privilege to personalize one’s own residence according to their taste. Condo residents also benefit from this right, albeit with some conditions and rules to follow that are important to remember lest they get in trouble with their condominium’s Homeowner’s Association (HOA) or the government.
By law, unit owners have the legal rights (such as potentially air rights!) to fully decorate their own place, so long as it is done within the confines of their space. A person owning a unit can for example paint the walls, change the floor tiles, install or dispose of preexisting stationary furniture, and more. Property owners, however, aren’t generally permitted to tamper with anything outside their residencies, since doing so would be infringing on the common areas of the condominium that is technically co-owned by all the proprietors of the condominium. This right then entails that HOAs do not have the authority or permission to place restrictions on how a resident should decorate the inside of their unit, only being able to pass out regulations instead on the areas outside of it.
Depending on the rules dictated by the local HOA however, some unit owners may have more freedom when it comes to doing renovations, with some having access to the outside of their unit and maybe even the common area. It is important to always ask for clarifications or permits with the HOA just so that one can avoid causing any potential issues for everyone in the condominium development.
A Property Owner Can Vote in Their Condominium Corporation

A benefit that comes with property ownership for condo residents is the ability to influence most development and financial decisions related to their home building. The presence of these private property rights can ensure that not only would condo residents be able to help lead their condominium to become more prestigious in the market, but also avoid chances of being mistreated by malicious parties as well.
For the vote of a landowner to be impactful in the decisions made during the meetings of their condominium corporation, they must be part of the majority. It is essential then for all condo residents in the condominium to be aware of this right so that they can vote against unpopular decisions that could affect their domestic life in the long run. Other benefits of being aware of this right can include being able to request new additions within the common areas of the condominium, including public properties such as additional conveniences and amenities that can be utilized by the residents. These requested upgrades must of course first follow the area’s zoning law and restrictions. Such examples can include new structural additions being of a certain height only, these changes abiding the local health and safety regulations, and other such property qualifications.
By being aware of one’s ability to help decide the future of one’s condominium, residents would have a sense of control that could help improve their quality of life.
Property Ownership means Cooperation in the Maintenance of their Condominium

One duty that residents owning a condo unit must do their best to fulfill is to regularly maintain both the property they possess and any common area in their proximity as well. While it is generally part of the responsibilities of the condominium corporation to manage the upkeep of the building like a government-owned property, having the cooperation of the residents can greatly contribute to this effort.
Reporting any potential damages observed in the condominium is a good way of helping out in the preservation of the building’s well-being since doing so can prevent future complications that could arise if the issues were left unchecked. One can also choose to repair or hire an expert to fix any problems within their units, so long as they can handle the costs of doing such a thing. By making sure that the state of the condominium is at its best at all times, its value will not plummet, thus making it easy for unit owners who either want to sell their home or rent it out to potential tenants.

It is important for unit owners to prioritize the maintenance of their condo home and their surroundings if only to give themselves and their fellow neighbors a better living experience.
To summarize, all the details that one needs to know about their legal rights as a condominium owner can be found in RA 4726, but to recap the important sections: unit owners are allowed to decorate the interior of their home, to vote in meetings related to the condominium, and are responsible for maintaining parts of the building that they own.
Of course, one must first own a condo unit of their own to enjoy these legal rights, and for those looking for a condo in Tagaytay, have a look at Crown Asia’s Pinevale.

Dubbed the first smart home condominium in Tagaytay, Pinevale promises to embody the best in modern urban living, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Pinevale is also among the winners of the prestigious Carousell 2022 awards, a good selling point for investors who want to utilize it for their investments, such as renting their unit/s out to potential tenants upon the project’s completion. Eventual residents will also be happy to know that Pinevale is in close proximity to a variety of great establishments in the city of Tagaytay that they can visit by themselves or with their loved ones or friends.
For those who want to secure the legal ownership of one or more units in the soon-to-be best condo in Tagaytay, consider investing in Pinevale today.
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