Motherhood is the journey that transitions a woman from the start of pregnancy until its post-transition. Indeed, it’s a blessing and game changer as it brings new challenges to any woman. It’s a great challenge to transition from juggling work, family, personal, social, and the life before motherhood. And every mom needs all the help she can get. While creating new moments in a house and lot in Bacoor. there are seven seasons of motherhood that parents should be wary about.
The seven seasons of motherhood are the phases that describe the changes parents must endure during these parenthood stages. While every experience is different, learning about these seasons will change parents’ perspectives and encourage them to embrace the challenges of parenthood.
The 7 Seasons of Motherhood That Moms Experience
The moment we find out that we are to become mothers, we become aware of the incredible knowledge that we are growing a human being inside our bodies. Such epiphanies will be in such a way that will bring along a couple of good feelings, such as excitement and anticipation. During this period, there is a lot of planning and dreaming after the many transformations in our bodies.

We’re pushed into myriad ideas on how to raise our little ones. Motherhood, though totally unpredictable and overwhelming at times, is a place of wearable hormones where we hold fast to our bracing optimism and hope for beautiful possibilities for our little wonders.
Our baby is here, it is the weirdest and most challenging thing we have been through. Sometimes pain is not the only thing that you can remember; rather, the sight of your little ones also makes you forget all the pain that you had to bear in the time of childbirth. Now, it’s about making it through nights with no sleep and an emotional rollercoaster.
Whether we like it or not, our brains are wiped of any intellectual capacity. Instead, we concentrate on that painfully sore energy deficiency and the determination to continue raising this vulnerable, fragile entity we both made. Only a few parts of this period will be remembered, but the babies are getting well-fed and bathed.
This time, our kids are little humans instead of infants, who are aged 2 to 6. We are through the nutrition, and now we preparing mouthwatering dishes. It is a BUSY period, devoting time and attention to their eating, speech, and comprehension of fundamental things about life. Day after day, as time slipped by, we found ourselves adjusting to more and more life responsibilities with the growth of our children.

We are fully engaged in the process of watching our kids grow, showing them the fine details of everyday living. It may be a little monotonous, yet we’re there, some of the fans of their travel to becoming distinct personalities.
Active Duty
They can take care of elementary things, and now we must be mobilized from ages 7 to 12. Although it is pretty busy with schoolwork and classes, it is also very exciting and full of memories. We answer their questions, give them a pinch of fresh air, introduce them to a bigger world, and help them learn the life lessons they need.
Instruction and designating duties and responsibilities become our daily tasks. It’s a continuous cycle of instructing, coaching, and being the key example. We aim to determine what they would be like as they become older. We mold new tastes, habits, and attitudes.
High Alert
The teen phase begins, and it’s an instant response system. It means as you grow, there is immense competition and potential risks of failure. We are part of their emotional changes, strange acts, and pain caused by pubertal changes. It’s a very intensive period, you look into their eyes, and you step in with everything you’ve got.

In our teenage years we are like a boat getting closer to the sea. I must say we are all the crew now, experiencing feelings of triumph and anxiety together. The rest of the time is spent helping them prepare for their journey far away from the nest, which is quite a ride for them and us.
Worry is now in, and we have only one purpose: watching them play safely. Are they safe? Is it too much to ask? Can they cope with personal, relationship, and financial challenges? Have we enhanced their mindset today? We’re waiting for calls, and we don’t know if it’s to be notified about a little thing or a huge one that happened to our children.
We are no longer certain whether they are happy and healthy, and a passionate attachment to our adult children continues to exist inside us.
Wondering and Wonderment
The lives of our kids are very different now from what they were. They are creating their own families; some are building their own careers. We are at the wondering phase, and we contemplate their well-being, which includes happiness, safety, and choices. We keenly follow what they do, where they live, and interact with their friends, hoping for a chance to see them again or give them a call.

This time comes with excitement and appreciation—both of them being satisfaction. One looks back on the marvelous gift of motherhood in retrospect. We’re celebrating the journey, recalling each season, and this is the time for us to see our well-grown kids becoming independent.
Life as a mother is like a long story that has no definite ending. It starts with us experiencing the great joy of becoming a mom, then going through a tough survival mode after we deliver, and then grinding through the busy years of raising little kids. Being a mom means being on active duty through the life of a kid. We advise them on solving problems as well, and we try to answer their endless questions.
While some parents might not keep an eye on every move their teens make, others have the constant fear that each unfamiliar friend might introduce something harmful to their family. Letting our kids go and brooding over it often takes its toll. We contemplate their lives and decisions and see if we have given them enough lessons. The mom trip is forever, and along with it comes not only pain and distress but also awe.
Reflecting on everything that has occurred during this time reveals a narrative that brings such a unique and organic closeness between a parent and their child. It’s neither a story ending nor a new beginning. It’s a lifetime of love, happiness, and personal development that continues to burn.
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