When people think of possible residential building locations to settle down, many would place living near an airport near the bottom of their list. This is because there are some very real concerns associated with residing in close proximity to airports and an airport’s flight path, the two most notable ones being air pollutants from the planes and the aircraft noise they generate which presents health risks and other health concerns to the residents and the noise will serve just an inconvenience to a relaxing day on your home.
Of these two, however, the airport noise problem has been steadily losing significance as continuing advancements are made in aeronautics. Older models of commercial airliners belonging to Airbus are gradually being phased out in favor of newer ones that are not only quieter but also more environmentally friendly, thus mitigating their associated health risks. There will come a time in the near future wherein the old hazards linked with living close to airports will cease to exist, remaining only in the public’s memories as outdated facts.
Regardless of a few disadvantages like noise pollution and air pollution that are known health risks, here are three great benefits associated with living near an airport such as a condo near NAIA.
Three Benefits of Living Near an Airport

1. Living Close to an Airport Means a Less Stressful Flight
The first appealing advantage that comes to mind for property buyers when living close to an airport is the convenience it provides for anyone wanting to travel by air. This is notably relevant for individuals who are required to go abroad on a regular basis or for vacationers who simply love visiting many destinations around the world.

By having a home near an airport, one does not need to worry about the potential of having to lose precious hours being stuck in traffic to reach one’s flight in time. In addition, there is usually a well-developed public transport route that connects the airport to many key locations within the city it is in, making it convenient for those seeking reliable means for moving around the area. Simply put, traveling to the airport itself becomes the least of one’s worries when one lives close to it.
This can be considered a situational benefit, one that people who don’t travel often may fail to fully take advantage of. It is still nevertheless a factor that can be taken into serious consideration by people whose livelihoods are centered around long-distance flights.
2. Properties close to Airports have High Potential to Rise in Value and Commercial Growth
Since air transport is an integral component of a country’s economy in this day and age, it is no surprise that the zone surrounding an airport will also grow in importance too in property value for the nearby residents. Businesses reliant on services and goods that are delivered through airports will generally build branches situated near them to cut down expenditures and maximize profit.

The significance of this effect would then result in the rising value of the land located close to the airport, as having an establishment near the heart of a high-traffic sector would mean better business overall. Any homes close to such an airport would then also grow in value due to their closeness to many crucial facilities, meaning that early property owners can then utilize this to make a potentially fruitful investment in the long run. Said properties do not need to be extravagant to be valuable in the future, since even something as simple as a condominium unit has the potential for growing in value in close proximity to an airport.
Such a property can then be used for future investments, such as buying a better and larger home outside an urban setting.
3. High-class Venues are more Prevalent near Airports
With the large volume of visitors that pass through an airport, there would of course be a significant number of potential customers that would require a vast array of services to cater to their needs. It is no wonder then that one can expect to see an extensive number of businesses and facilities both in and around airports, which can prove to be convenient for anyone living close to them.
A property owner living near the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) for example would have the benefit of being close to Newport Mall, an upscale shopping mall that caters to Filipinos in and above the upper-middle class. For those with a love for theatrical plays, there is the Newport Performing Arts Theater, a renowned establishment that has hosted various high-production plays, concerts, and even the once-famous reality television singing competition, The Voice of the Philippines. If one is looking for a good place to eat, there is also a selection of restaurants nearby such as the Marriot Café, Café Bonjour, Casa Buenas, and more.

With how essential airports are to the economy, it is no wonder that there would be a significant number of establishments present, ready to make a profit from both incoming and exiting travelers.
In conclusion, while there may have been past reasons as to why living close to an airport was seen as an unpopular decision, that reasoning will soon be rendered obsolete as technology advances. With the benefit of being close to an essential mode of transportation, owning potentially profitable properties, and having nearby access to high-class venues, the advantages of living close to an airport may well make these issues worth the risk.
When there are no viable properties on sale literally next to a major airport like NAIA, sometimes it’s best to settle on the next best thing like a condo in Las Piñas, something which Crown Asia can provide.

Hermosa is a high-end condo in Las Pinas conveniently positioned near both the Bay Area and NAIA, providing the best urban living experience for those seeking a condo in Las Piñas. With the presence of several excellent retailers and essential services being close at hand, current and future condo unit owners would not have to worry much about having to navigate the bustling streets of Las Piñas to get what they need. Hermosa also offers a variety of exclusive amenities to its homeowners such as a swimming pool and function area for the purpose of relaxation or social events.
For anyone looking to invest in a quality condo in Las Pinas or a condo near NAIA, Hermosa’s doors are always open.
Related Blog: Advantages of Living Close To The Airport