Water is undeniably one of the needs that if not met enough, things will really go bad for us, people. We would go to work smelly (to be honest, we would rather call in sick), and your children would be nagging you saying that they are really thirsty, and the plants that you have been working so hard to help grow suddenly die, just because of one day of lack of water.
Now, do not go thinking that we are suggesting that you place a thousand-pound water tank in the front yard of your house and lot for sale. A small tank just enough for you and your family will do. Here in this article, we will discuss why it is such a huge asset to have your very own water tank at your Crown Asia house and lot for sale.
A Quick History of the Water Storage Tank

Amazingly, the water tank is not in any way modern. Its history could go back as early as the time before Christ, specifically from 3000 to 1500 BC seen in the Indus Valley Civilization in Asia. During this age, their water tanks were in a form of a step well, or a cistern. Basically, the use of the mighty water tank was all the same: to store water. For what? Across the times this would vary such as to save water for a famine-prone area, to store drinking water to quench the thirst of soldiers, or to increase the value of a place. This goes to show how vital water tanks could be to people of different eras and fields. If they saw the importance of such, why cannot you?
Why There Isn’t Any Water Running When We Turn the Faucet On?
Doesn’t it make you wonder when something goes wrong with the water tank in your subdivision? What exactly goes wrong over there? Actually, there could be many reasons.
1. Accumulated sediments
After years of doing its job, uncleaned sediments such as sand may cause problems to a water tank. Where does the sand come from? Well, most of these waters come from underground and the water tank’s job is to drain and rinse the water as best as it can. However, there are times when the water does not completely become free of sediments. That is why there are times when you shower, there is sand or rust that comes out of the water.
2. Leaks
This is the most common error (totally fixable, though) that occurs to the big water boy. This is caused by the piping not being connected with an appropriately flexible connector at the storage tank especially when they are not designed for continual, stressing work.
3. Green or black algae
Look out! Something is growing inside the water tank. Thankfully, it isn’t some wormlike alien we saw in Dreamcatcher but just some algae. Most of the time, white or transparent plastic is used in the water tank. Unfortunately, its materials are not enough to block light. With this, algae grow, coating the inside of the tank and sometimes going onto your hair during a shower.
4. Animals
It is only natural for animals such as birds and squirrels to want to squeeze inside a water tank because of the humongous amount of water there. So when they do squeeze in, they can’t get out once they have fallen in the water! It is hard for them to climb back because they either do not know how to swim or sometimes they do not see the ladder that goes right back up to the top of the tank where they came from. Thus, they stay there and their bodies may cause some kind of blockage of water!
Independence, the Cure for Worrying and Waiting
With all that said, how about doing the job yourself?
Does it not annoy the world out of you when something goes wrong with your subdivision’s water tank? The morning splash to wake you up and replenish you with freshness is now gone and replaced by the overly spraying of perfume. Your kids will have to go to school without taking a proper shower. Your neighbors might say, “Welp, there are things that are just out of our control.” However, we would like to tell you that you are very much in control of this situation! You and your family could opt to have a water tank in your house and lot for sale so you do not have to go through the agonizing long hours of waiting for your subdivision’s staff to go and address the problem of the water tank.
By having your very own, you can make sure that the water tank that you and your family will depend on is sturdy and built with quality materials, and if ever, something happens to it, you have you and your loved ones to fix it immediately! Indeed, the best way to get things done is by doing it yourself.

Photo from popularmechanics.com
There are numerous types of water tanks available also. Rainwater tanks are there to collect rainwater. Hot water tanks are used for collecting water and heating it for showering purposes much like a water heater but with a much larger hot water capacity. Plastic tanks are synonymous with Filipino culture as these were popular before most houses had indoor plumbing and people relied on deep water pumps.
It Helps You Become Environmentally Friendly, Too!
With climate change and the frequent natural disasters that are slowly becoming man-made, we need to do a lot of nurturing for Mother Earth at every chance that we get. And having a water tank at home very much helps the environment and lessens your carbon footprint!

Photo from rainwatertanksdirect.com.au
Some water storage tanks are environmentally sustainable because they store and drain rainwater. It is like providing an alternative water supply for our liquid needs such as drinking, washing, and outdoor use advocates effectively and greatly one of the R’s of environmentalism: Recycling. With the usage of a rainwater tank, water bills are reduced taking out less pressure on main water suppliers and helping in managing water usage.
Indeed, having a water tank at your own Crown Asia home has many benefits. It is more convenient for you and your family, you get to learn a skill or two since you will be the ones to manage the water tank, and lastly, it helps you save the environment! To add, just imagine the faces of your friends or your children’s friends when they visit your house. You and your family will be advocates of water sustainability.
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