2020 finally came to a close. Never have we been happier that a year officially ended. The year 2020 has brought about the most unexpected events, starting with the eruption of the Taal Volcano in January 2020. Little did we know then that the eruption was a foreshadowing of the most unpredictable year we have lived yet.
It is very important to always see the good in things. Even though last year was not the best year for almost everyone. We were stuck inside our homes for almost the whole duration of the year. This is due to the dangers of getting infected with the COVID 19 virus. But even though the year was not all good, there’s always some silver lining that we can see. One example is that a lot of people has discovered (or rediscovered) their hobbies and passion for home design, growing plants, and even getting fit. It made a lot of people really put into perspective all the things that they are doing in their life.
It is true to say that lessons were learned along the way of the year 2020. And as the year began to near its end, a lot of people has created their own list of things to do and new habits to try routinely for the new year that will come.
As we welcome the new year, listed below are some resolutions we should do after reflecting on the good and not so good practices that have become our norm in the past year. These things can help you make 2021 your best year yet.
Don’t wait for the Chinese New year to come, here are some of the habits that you can routinely do in order to have a good year:

Resolution #1: Start wearing clothes other than pajamas
In the months that we all stayed at home, the need to dress up seemed impractical. Admit it. We paraded around in our premium homes in loose-fitting clothes that have seen better days. Conference calls were even attended with videos off – it was such a bother to don a blazer each time.
Even if we have plans of staying inside our residential home in upscale properties like Crown Asia’s Ponticelli and Valenza for the time being, we should start dressing up in more presentable attire. Dressing up does not only provide us with self-confidence, but also gives us a sense of normalcy that we seem to be craving for.
Its okay to be a bit extra. Take your stylish clothes our of your drawers and start trying them on again! Its the year to return to your pre pandemic aesthetic!

Resolution #2: Have a better personal care habit
Self love truly is the best love of all! Make sure to develop your personal care habit for the year.
It is not just brushing the teeth; it is the whole hygiene routine. Along with the various lockdown procedures we went through, we also went through various degrees of hygiene neglect. For the men, facial hair seems to have been the first to be untended, while for women, hair also become longer than what can be called fashionable.
Embarrassingly, at one point in time, we have succumbed to blatant disregard of personal care, though we probably would never admit it to anyone. Therefore, we should bring back our hygiene habits before this secret of ours becomes known.

Resolution #3: Participate in a virtual marathon
As almost everything in the world started to adapt to the new normal. Even activities like doing marathons started shifting towards the virtual world as well!
Every year since we can remember, we have included exercising in our long list of resolutions. This year, since everything is going digital, our resolution should become digital as well. Instead of just any exercise routine, why not participate in a virtual marathon? Yes, this is a thing! But it does not mean that we can just sit around while we watch the marathon pass us by. It is still a means to exercise but in the comforts of our premium condominium or premium house and lot.
In a virtual marathon, participants select their preferred distance like in a standard marathon. The differences are: 1) These races do not take place in the usual setting of a marathon with pre-selected routes. Instead, participants run at their desired locations like at home using their treadmills or going around their neighborhood. 2) Runners can accumulate their distance within the set period to complete their goal instead of finishing the race at one time. 3) Proof of distance ran should be submitted. Most participants use running apps to track their progress and send this as proof. One virtual race organizer in the Philippines that has been in this industry since 2016 is Virtual Race PH. They started organizing virtual races to also raise awareness and funds for different local charities.

Resolution #4: Go offline once a month
It would not hurt to take a few breaks at least once a month from the stressful world of social media.
It is nice to take a break from the digital world, especially on 2/2, 3/3, 4/4, 5/5, 6/6, 7/7, 8/8, 9/9, 10/10, 11/11 and 12/12. The boxes and boxes of delivered goods that are resting in the corner of our upscale one-bedroom condominium in Pasig are enough proof that perhaps we are overdoing it on online shopping. Instead of our yearly resolution to save up more, perhaps dedicating a one-day break every month for the whole year will help us save up a few bucks.
Creating a routine and habit to change your everyday from 2020 is a good way to embrace the new year so make sure to explore other habits that you can apply in your daily lives.
A new year brings us new hope. With the Covid-19 vaccine finally being available, it makes us hopeful that the year 2021 will be better than 2020. Let the habits and resolutions listed above help you in making 2021 a good year for you and your family. New Year is indeed, a time for change. Happy New Year everyone!
Related Blog: Manifesting Your 2022 New Year’s Resolutions