The Covid-19 Pandemic changed the way we celebrate occasions. Even though restrictions have become lighter as compared to when the quarantine was first implemented last year, the threat of the Coronavirus is not to be taken lightly. Every holiday that passed and special occasions are now celebrated indoors and with a minimal number of people, making it less festive and enjoyable than it used to.
But just like any situation that the Filipino’s face there is always room for us to breathe and have fun a little bit. Specially when the day that needs to be celebrated is the day of love and caring for the people most important to us. Valentines day is a festive day for most people here in our country. It is a day where you will see a lot of people walking around the streets holding a gift they either received or will be giving to their loved ones. Love is, after all, the most powerful emotion and it is only fitting that we get to celebrate it even in our own little and simple, yet joyous and memorable ways amidst the COVID 19 pandemic. Here are some ways to celebrate the Day of Love this February 14 while practicing safety protocols.
Celebrating Valentines with your loved ones inside your premium home in Ponticelli, Cavite is not just intimate but sensible as well. Here are some ideas on how to spend the day in your upscale house and lot in Bacoor.

Join a Virtual Retreat or Do Self-Meditation from the Living Room of your Home
Joining a retreat is a good way to recharge and reinvigorate yourself amidst the stress brought about by the quarantine. It is also a way to reignite your passion for your spouse or loved one. There are several virtual retreat events that will be held between February 12 to 14. You can even choose the country you want to participate in.
If you prefer to spend it intimately with your partner-in-life, you can choose to do self-meditation. Oprah recommends Smiling Mind or Insight Timer for free meditation apps.

Prepare a Romantic Dinner in the Comforts of your Home
What better way to express your love for someone than laboring for hours to prepare a sumptuous meal. This is one of the most intimate ways to celebrate Valentine’s even before the pandemic came about.
A romantic dinner at home is not just grilling the steak and opening a bottle of wine. The ambiance is just as important as the dinner itself. So bring out the good china and practice those plating skills to be able to give your loved one the perfect Valentine’s dinner.

Make a Coffee Date
Recently, coffee dates are one of the most popular dating activities. You can make your own coffee date even at home. While baking your own bread will make this date more intimate, ordering your favorite cake will not make it any less special. The ambiance is also key. Unleash your creativity and make your setting Instagram-worthy – just like sipping a cup of joe at Coffee Project.
If you feel like you’ve been cooped up too long inside your home, there are still ways to spend Valentine’s Day outdoors while maintaining safety protocols. Here are suggestions that you can do.

Have a Picnic
Even though going outside is not allowed or encouraged amidst the Alert levels and the COVID pandemic. You can still visit some places to have a picnic. Some areas are open to a limited number of tourists, making it a bit safer than most indoor restaurants. As an alternative, you can have a picnic in the backyard of your RFO house and lot by Crown Asia Properties. A perfect setting for your picnic is the beautiful Italian aesthetic of the homes, good for your Instagram posts as a couple to remember this year’s Valentines day celebration!
Picnics allow you to be outdoors while maintaining your distance from other people. You can order charcuterie boxes to enjoy under the sun. Before going out on your picnic, check out the rules of that place. Tagaytay, for instance, requires a travel authority for tourists coming from an ECQ or MECQ area.

Bike or Drive Around the Premises of the Neighborhood
If you are a biking enthusiast, what better way to spend the Day of Love than doing the thing you love with your loved one? Biking lets you appreciate your surroundings while keeping yourself distanced and safe.
You can also reenact some of your favorite biking scenes from love and romance movies for a perfect Instagram post to greet your loved one! Aside from the thrill of breathing fresh air from biking, you will be hitting two birds in one stone, by celebrating through biking around the neighborhood, you are also exercising your legs by hitting the pedal of your bicycles, which is a #CoupleGoals for you and your loved one!
If biking is not your thing, bring out the car and drive around your memory lane. Drive-by spots that are special to you and your partner. Pass by the place where you met or the restaurant where you went on your first date. Bring out your camera and click away to capture snapshots of those memorable places.
Love truly is in the air this Valentines Day. But always remember that its still better to celebrate in a simple way, following the basic health protocols of the government to ensure safety of your loved ones than doing a grand gesture in a public setting thus endangering the health of everyone around you. So plan a simple celebration of your love in a better and safer way. The gestures can be done once everything is back to the way it was before.
However way you intend to celebrate this day, always remember that Valentine’s Day is not about celebrating the event, but about celebrating your love. And the best way to show your love for each other is to be healthy and happy.
Happy Valentine’s Day from Crown Asia!
Related Blog: Why You Should Celebrate With Family