Happiness, the elusive feeling everyone craves for nowadays. While everyone is encouraged to pursue happiness by choosing it above all else, the busy and fast-paced life everyone is experiencing results to unhappiness to many. Many do not completely understand the concept of happiness and turn to material things as reasons to attain happiness. A purchase of a luxury shoes or bag, the latest model of cellphone, or even a new condo in Tagaytay may make someone happy as happiness is defined by many as accumulation of material things or even wealth. Happiness is considered to be a state of feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. However, this type of happiness is circumstantial and may easily fade away.

In Japan, there is a concept being practiced that is believed to lead to genuine happiness. Ichigo Ichie is a Japanese proverb which may be translated as “once, a meeting”, or “in this moment, an opportunity”. This Japanese phrase may be interpreted as “treasuring the unrepeatable nature of a moment.” It teaches the value of being present, to be here and now. Being present is cherishing moments that will never be repeated again. Someone whose mindset is rooted on Ichigo Ichie gives significance to fully focus on what is currently happening to them, appreciates the value of opportunities that come their way and aims to improve personally and professionally. This concept is a great reminder for all to spend each moment to be utterly and completely focused on what is important, that time spent with loved ones is infinitely valuable and should not be taken lightly.
A philosophy of life in Japanese culture, Ichigo Ichie encourages mindfulness and appreciation of every encounter. It focuses on unwavering commitment to the moment. In Ikigai, Ichigo Ichie happens when anger, fear and sadness are minimized as these emotions signify living in the past or future. Hence, living in the present translates to happiness.

It has been written that the concept of Ichigo Ichie is a principle of Zen Buddhism and was first introduced by a 16th century master of tea ceremony whose complicated rituals lead to focus on the present moment. The concept is clearly manifested during tea ceremonies for Samurai or the night before a battle. The phrase Ichigo Ichie was realized during these moments as they put emphasis on appreciating the whole experience of the tea ceremony with the thought in mind that they may not have another opportunity to enjoy another cup since the future is uncertain. Hence, every sip is savored and the ceremony is cherished from beginning to end. Simply put, happiness in relation to the concept of Ichigo Ichie is “to treasure the moment as it may never come again”.

Ichigo Ichie may be useful in everyday situations through the following practices:
- Don’t let opportunities pass by. There is a saying which goes, “Opportunity only knocks once. Grab it or you’ll lose it. ” Hence, when an opportunity comes, one is encouraged to take hold of it and take action. The failure to embrace it as it presents itself is a moment gone forever.
- Live each moment as if it is your last. Treasure each encounter with loved ones and those close to one’s heart. Consider each moment as unique and something that happens once, hence the phrase, “once-in-a-lifetime”. No two encounters will ever be the same. A reminder for all to focus on the person during a meet-up and the meet-up experience itself by making it a gadget-free encounter. Say no to multi-tasking during conversations over meals or coffee.
- Dwell in the present. When somebody often revisits their past or worries for the future, it becomes a painful experience. It’s a fact that the past cannot be changed, and the future is still unknown. But when the focus is on what is happening right now, endless possibilities may be enjoyed.
- Try to do new things. If someone wants change, they should not be doing the same things. Doing the same things do not produce different results. Everyone is encouraged to do something new as this results to learning and eventually growth. One should not be stagnant so long as they live.
- A seated meditation is encouraged. Meditation allows one to disengage from the daily rush and obligations. It calms the senses and allows one to observe the miracles of life. While meditating within the confines of one’s very own condo in Tagaytay, be grateful for the amenities being enjoyed.
- Practice mindfulness in all the 5 senses. The ability to give undivided attention when watching, listening, touching, tasting and smelling allows one to fully experience human perception. This leads to increased empathy and influence as well as a higher level of sensitivity towards others’ needs and feelings.
- Be aware of coincidences. Being present allows one to notice coincidences and the ability of being aware of these occurring allows one to tune in with the universe and the messages it sends out.
- Celebrate every gathering. Treat every meet-up or get-together as a party. Do not wait for occasions to celebrate. Each moment spent with people dear to one’s heart calls for a celebration. In fact, with the practice of Ichigo Ichie, ordinary everyday moments can be turned into extraordinary moments.
- Change something unfavorable in one’s self or one’s surroundings. If there is something that hinders someone to fully embrace this concept, one has the ability to transform himself or his environment. The only constant in life is change. So, until one reaches a satisfactory and acceptable state, they may keep on changing.
- Always be on the look-out for special moments. Always find something special in the mundane and ordinary or better yet, be the reason why the ordinary is transformed into something special.

The practice of the Ichigo Ichie reaps significant benefits that contribute to one’s positive well-being.
- Increased focus. This is critical for learning something new, reaching one’s life goals and performing well in facing life’s challenges. In the workplace, it builds momentum and increases productivity. One is expected to produce impressive results since being focused on one’s task decreases the chances for errors, thereby improving the quality of work done.
- Decreased stress. This is responsible for maintaining optimum health. Although stress is part of daily life, one’s ability to lessen the chances to stress over issues or concerns helps them to get body functions back to normal. The body is able to fight bacteria and virus when they experience less stress.
- Stronger relationships. The philosophy behind Ichigo Ichie serves as a strong reminder that the beauty in one’s journey is in the manner by how one deals with the present. It helps one to acknowledge and accept imperfections and to be more compassionate. Children feel the sincerity, care and love of parents who are committed to being present in their lives thereby resulting to a positive and stronger parent-child relationship. Spouses who give undivided attention to each other are able to fully commit to their marriage despite life’s challenges.
- Increased Fulfillment. When one is able to cultivate and practice Ichigo Ichie, they will be able to lead a happier and more fulfilled life. As they learn to live fully in the present, they no longer feel weighed down by the past nor anxious by the future. They become more appreciative of the gift of every moment.
So, the next time meals are being shared, focus on the people present on the table and savor the sight, scent and taste of the food. Stop working or texting or watching and even playing games while eating. The key to being present is to stop multi-tasking.
One of the human’s unique abilities is the power to transform. With the benefits of Ichigo Ichie in mind, one may pursue a life practicing this concept. And as one is able to reap the benefits, happiness may not be far behind.
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