Christmas is near. It is time for shopping, either buying in a physical store or online. There are a lot of things you can give to different people you know. But during this season, some questions arise. Are you one of the late shoppers who don’t have enough time to wrap? Are you looking for an easy way, sustainable and thrifty way, without compromising the quality and the look you desire? We got you covered! Below are some gift-wrapping ideas and designs that you can follow easily for your gifts under the tree.

Creative Gift-Wrapping Ideas to Make Your Gifts Extra Special This Christmas
Christmas Tree Stamp
If you don’t have any gift wrapper or kraft paper, you can utilize any type of paper found in your house. All you need is some creativity and any kind of paper. You can use any kind of clean paper, carton, or even cartolina that will serve as your gift wrap. But it doesn’t stop from that. Apply Christmas tree figures all over your gift wrap to feel the essence of Christmas. Here at Crown Asia, we celebrate every holiday with our staff, our very own clients since Christmas is a day for giving. We always give our best to be able to serve our clients and to provide a place where they can celebrate every holiday and do the gift-giving.
Cookie Tags
If the recipient of your gifts loves sweets, then this design suits that occasion. Provide any kind of paper, follow the motif you want to incorporate in your design, and lastly put cookie memorabilia, if you want you can also put a real cookie, although it will attract another receiver. The essence of giving is what matters, and knowing that you put the effort into gift wrapping will bring tears to your friend. That extra kick in everything you do shows how passionate you are. In our company, we always execute that extra kick to show that we are working hard for our clients. It is not our way to impress but to express our passion for work.
Road Map
If you love traveling with your buddy and decided to give some presents this design is the best for this situation. Find any unused roadmap, and use it as a gift wrapper to bring that feeling whenever the two of you are traveling. This representation shows how you value your time with your travel buddy and the thought will surely reach his/her heart. Crown Asia had a roadmap that it follows in developing quality households that will prove that we are the best real estate in the country.
Deer Silhouette
Wanted to achieve some wildlife kind of design? This is the best for you. You can use any kind of wrapper and cut out some deer figures in magazines or newspapers, you can also print some for the best result. Apply the deer photo on top of the gift wrapper to create your desired motif.

Paper Animals
You can create a cute animal-like figure as a gift wrap. Instead of cut-out designs, you can restructure them to look like an animal. These cute designs are perfect for everyone, especially for those who have fur babies.
Emoji Faces
This is perfect to bring laughter to everyone. You can use this design and incorporate emojis into the receiver. The receiver will have a knowledge of what you are feeling towards them, and you can give this gift to your crush and use a heart emoji to show your feelings indirectly. Luckily, you can have a special someone to spend with during Christmas. In Crown Asia, we always put our happy faces despite hardships since we know to ourselves that we love our work and we always wanted to be approachable to our clients.
Cut-Out Snowflakes Topper
Looking for another idea for gift wrap designs? This gift topper requires patience and a little artistry. You can put a 3D-like snowflake on top of your wrapped gift to give it a fancier look. Here is how you do it. Starting from a simple rectangle of 12×24 cm of lightweight paper, you have to fold the paper like an accordion. Once done, use a thread to tie it in the middle of the paper. Then, cut the folded paper. (See photo below for reference). Lastly, using glue, attach both ends of the paper. Unravel it a little so you can see the fascinating look of your hand-made snowflakes gift topper.
Minimal Wraps
Minimal gift wrapping is ideal for those who do not really like extravagant gift wrap designs. And instead of using store-bought wrapping paper, you may use alternatives such as; packing paper, fabric, used newspaper, paper bags, etc., to achieve a minimalist design. For additional artistic design, you put a simple ribbon or yarn to complete the perfect appearance. It is one of the easiest ways to wrap your gifts since it requires minimal work and materials, and can also be very eco-friendly.

Christmas is one of the holiday seasons that most people anticipate throughout the whole year. Every child, even adults look forward to this season. You will be reunited with your family or relatives that live far from you, give gifts to your relatives who support you and accepts you unconditionally, and even spend this time with your friends and special someone. This season hopefully reminds us that it doesn’t hurt to give and to provide a smile on the faces of everyone.
Related Blog: Easy and Creative Ways to Wrap Gifts this Christmas