With everyone’s busy and hectic schedules, families tend to spend more time with a lot of things except with each other. How about shifting the focus on spending quality time with family members and creating happy memories with each other? Young couples who are just starting to raise a family might want to consider creating activities that is geared towards stronger family ties. Children who grew up in a loving and unified family environment may have a healthier mental state and may be psychologically and emotionally stable. Hence, with this in mind, young parents should start a family tradition their children will grow into. It is something that the whole family will get used to and would be a normal practice among themselves. Children who grow up in a family with a strong bond will tend to prioritize family matters, will develop a deep interpersonal relationship with parents and siblings. As they grow older, they may not be influenced by peer pressure nor have the need for validation from other people. When faced with problems, they will seek their family’s support rather than their peers. Initially, it’s the parents who would introduce bonding activities to their young children. They would have to set aside a time to have fun with their young children right inside the comforts of their own home. As the children grow, having been exposed to this kind of environment, they would voluntarily participate and engage in any family activity that contributes to forming a stronger bond with each other.
And when it comes to having fun with the family, what comes to mind is a family game night. A family game night in your house and lot in Cavite is a tradition in the family where all the members gather to have fun with one another by playing and enjoying games of their choice. The challenge is to make the game night a better option than spending alone time with gadgets or meeting up with friends. It should be something that would arouse interest and excitement in every family member and maintain enthusiasm in every scheduled family game night. Parents should set the tone and start while children are still young. For those with grown-up kids, it might be helpful to ask for everyone to participate in choosing the game and suggest the snacks and refreshments to be served for family game night. Each family member may even be assigned to host a particular game night. Nothing could be more fun when responsibility is shared and there is a build-up in excitement while waiting for the gimmick the game night host has in stored. It might be surprising for the whole family to discover talents and skills of each family member that results from this bonding moment.
The family may be more than happy to know that there is more into having these regular fun nights with the family aside from the pleasure, delight and camaraderie it brings.

Stronger Bond Among Family Members.
A stronger connection is formed among the members of the family as a result of a well-planned activity. When this activity is started early on in the family, children will grow up having formed a stronger bond with their parents resulting to positive parent-child relationships. This would impact their emotional well-being and life satisfaction in general. Furthermore, this special family activity may result to an open and strong line of communication among the family members.
A Venue to Showcase Talents and Passion of Each Family Member.
One way to maintain the interest of the children to engage in family activities is to have them involved. Moreover, the family game night may be an avenue to discover the passions and talents family members may not be aware of. This family activity may elicit the confidence to display one’s uniqueness as each one comes up with creative game night ideas. Leadership skills may also be developed and honed as each one takes turn to host a game night. The family game night may be something to look forward to since each one has a unique style of making it pleasurable and interesting.

A Fun Way to Teach Skills.
Soft skills such as fair play, following rules, taking turns, fostering friendly competition, problem solving, and critical thinking are being learned during the course of the game. The safe and playful environment the family game night presents may help parents teach these valuable skills. Furthermore, depending on the game being played, children may also increase their vocabulary, improve math skills and spelling, and gain insights on general knowledge.
Screen-Free Fun or Decreased Screen Engagement.
Children may find playing with gadgets such as phones, tablets and computers as default. For others, watching tv is their idea of fun. All these result to eye strain. Having a family game night may give their eyes rest from the screen and may teach them that fun is not limited to their electronic gadgets.

Practice Engagement and Be Fully Present.
The challenge of the fast-paced world today is how to escape from gadgets, social media, and stay away from work-related thoughts and activities. Everyone wants to have fun but finds it hard to chill and relax. However, parents should set the tone and set an example for the family game night to be successful. This family activity should be a night dedicated to quality family time that requires the full attention of the whole family. Everyone deserves a time for rest and relaxation and spending a fun night with one’s family should be a wise choice.

The success of game nights rests on how much attention and preparation is put into it. It might be challenging at the start but when done often, it becomes something to look forward to. When the kids are still young, it’s the parents’ task to plan the game nights. But as they grow older, parents may start to ask for assistance from them. For it to be a family tradition that will extend to years, parents should set the foundation that it is an activity that children will be excited to do. As the children grow older, they may transition from a supporting role to a leader role. If the parents feel that their children are ready to step up, they may allow one child at a time to host the family game night. To play fair among the children, they may take turn in hosting the game night. Here are some simple yet fun ideas to turn family game nights into a family tradition.
Schedule Regular Game Nights.
Consistency in day and time for family game night creates anticipation for each family member. It is also an effective way to make sure of everyone’s presence since they will be able to arrange their schedules to commit in their attendance and participation.
Set the Game Room.
For starters, it is best to assign a room in the house as the family game night room. It is easier to gather family members and it may be a good training ground for young kids if there is a specific place and time game nights are held. Flexibility in place and schedule may be implemented as they grow older to accommodate the schedule of other activities as well as the game that will be played. Some games may require natural light and an outdoor set-up so instead of having it at night, the family members may agree to hold it in the afternoon in the backyard. Families who are dedicated to having this kind of activity may find the amenities they are looking for in a house and lot in Cavite. The house may include a room for family game nights and the outdoors may cater to family bonding that requires a bigger space.
Create a Welcoming Environment.
This will ensure a positive vibe that allows the whole family to feel included. Participation among family members is vital as this is a factor that contributes to each member’s enthusiasm and anticipation.

Select Age-Appropriate Games.
To engage everyone, choose games that may be played for all ages. If the children have big age gaps, choose something that may be enjoyed by older kids yet entertaining for the younger ones to encourage participation. Children are able to catch up easily these days so a six-year-old might be able to grasp game concepts recommended for seven-year-olds. Parents may try to introduce games recommended for older children to their young children. If there is difficulty or if they are not having fun, parents may shift to games recommended for their age. The key is to allow their children to try new things with their guidance to maintain enthusiasm, eliminate overwhelming feelings and keep boredom at bay.
Take Turns in Choosing a Game.
Children have different preferences, but they get to play their preferred games if everyone is given the chance to select the game for every game night. Parents may set which child’s preferred game is scheduled to be played on family game nights. This will ensure that every family member’s preference will be considered.
Give Prizes.
To make family game nights more exciting, prizes may be awarded to the winners. Giving prizes may be a positive reinforcement that will motivate each family member to participate and give it their all in the spirit of friendly competition. To make the game nights exceptional, assign a special game night where prizes are not only given to those with the most points. Special awards may also be given like rewarding a family member as most participative or most sport or gracious when losing. This may be a way for children to always look forward to the next game night. The prizes may not always be tangible. They may be in the form of coupons like an extra hour in riding the bike or playing basketball, an extra 5 minutes after the alarm goes off, or a free pass on the chore that is assigned to the child, etc.
Create the Perfect Atmosphere.
An amusing game night atmosphere is an added attraction to maintain engagement and excitement among young and old alike. This is one way to perk them up and ease boredom. Snacks and refreshments may also be served, and this is also one way to keep everyone in the room. If family members’ needs will be met inside the game night room, they will no longer have an excuse to step out to get something and eventually lose interest in returning to the room.
Set a Theme.
This may sound extreme but if family game nights are scheduled weekly, assign one night to be a special one where a theme may be possible. This is a way to break a monotonous activity where family members would feel that it is just a routine. The theme may be manifested in the decor or in the food served and aligned with the game being played for that special night.
The purpose of holding family game nights is for everyone to relax and have fun. It should be a time to loosen up with genuine laughter and playful antics. So it is best to be present and fully engaged in the game. No multi-tasking for parents and should be a gadget-free night. Children should feel sincerity during this entertaining activity.
Board games are the first thing that comes to mind when talking about games. However, certain factors like age, number of players, and kid’s preferences have to be considered for a fun family game night. Here are some games that may be for all ages.

Family members may be divided into two teams with equal number of players. Each team take turns in selecting a card, drawing and guessing. Each team has a designated member to draw. Time limit is set to guess what the drawing is. In case the team was not able to guess the drawing correctly, the opponent is given the chance to guess. The team who guessed the drawing correctly gets a score.
Somehow similar to Pictionary but instead of drawing, the designated member acts out what is written. The team where the one is acting out is from gets the chance to guess first. If their team is unable to guess correctly, the other team has the chance to steal the score.
Scavenger Hunt.
This game will keep family members moving about. It is fun yet inexpensive. Family members may be split into teams or may work individually. Having one’s own house and lot in Cavite might be an ideal venue for this game. This game may be played either indoor or outdoor but an added attraction for the hunt is to be able to hide items in strategic places either inside or outside of the house. However, it is best to decide whether to conduct the game indoors or outdoors.
It is a movement-focused game. Each player is required to move their hands and feet to different colored circles while making sure that they stay on the mat. The game is a test for family member’s flexibility and spatial skills.
This game requires the guesser to wear a headband with the word written on a sticky note stuck to it. The guesser would ask questions leading to the written word. A local game, Pinoy Henyo, popularized by a noontime TV show is an adaptation of this game. It’s a great way to test the knowledge of players when it comes to categories like people, places, things and food. Since guessing is under time pressure, speed in guessing also plays a vital role in scoring in this game.
It is a classic game that’s relatively easy to play with. It involves marking off the numbers under the letters B-I-N-G-O as being called out. For a twist, certain patterns may be required to be followed like diagonal, square, block out, and others that may be designed by the game master. The first one to be able to complete a particular pattern may shout BINGO declaring him to be the winner.
It is a fast-paced card game that may be played even by young kids. It is one of the games that stimulate children’s knowledge in numbers, colors and math skills.
It is another popular board game enjoyed by both young and old. It is a popular game that takes hours to finish. However, players do not get bored but enjoy every minute invested in playing the game. This is a game that teaches kids about patience, decision-making and financial basics.
This classic board game comprises of tiles containing letters with corresponding points and a 225-grid board. A family of 4 is an ideal number of players for this game. Each player draws 7 tiles from the bag and they get to replenish them after they make a move. To win the game, each player is encouraged to maximize their move by strategically placing high-scoring tiles on the premium squares that indicate a bonus multiplier. Scores are recorded after a player forms a word. Needless to say, the player who gets the highest score when all the tiles are exhausted or at the end of the game, is the winner. This game helps players expand their vocabulary and learn how to strategize.
It is a fast-paced word game that will help children grow their vocabulary, develop creativity and encourage quick thinking. This game uses tiles of letters in a banana-shaped pouch. The tiles are distributed and divided among players. Each player gets to have the same number of tiles face down. From these tiles, players will have to form words in an intersecting manner mimicking that of a crossword puzzle. As the game progresses, players may re-arrange their own words to accommodate new tiles until they are able to use up all of their tiles.
This is another fun word game in the form of a word search using the available letters within the grid. The goal is to list as many word as possible while trying to look for words that are not too obvious for the opponents to see. A player gets to score for words that only him gets to list. Once a word is listed by the opponents, it gets to be canceled out and not scored.
Simon Says.
The game is recommended for families with young kids. The game simply requires the players to execute whatever the host instructed them to do so long as the statement starts with “Simon says”. All other instructions should be disregarded. This game is a great way to develop focus as well as attention to details and following instructions among the children.
I spy.
The game host gets to select an object within sight inside the game room and says, “I spy with my little eye something that is [mentions a hint, color or shape].” The players then take turn in guessing the object until someone gives the correct answer. The player who guesses correctly becomes the next game host.
Go Fish.
This is a simple yet enjoyable card game where cards are distributed among players in equal numbers. Each player puts down a pair of cards having the same number. The objective of the game is to be able to put down more pairs until all the cards in his possession are paired up. In instances that there are remaining cards on hand, the player will have to ask his opponents for the card he needs and the opponent having it will have to give it to him. If none of the opponents has it, they would say, “Go fish” where the player who needs the card gets from the card pool. The player who is able to discard all the cards in his possession is the winner of this game.
Crazy Eights.
This is another fun card game that may be played by all ages. Family members take turns in placing down the cards following either the suit or the number of the card the previous player had put down. in cases where a player does not have a card that would match the suit or number of the card the previous player placed down on the table, and it happens that he has either 8 of hearts, 8 of spades, 8 of clubs or 8 of diamonds in his possession, he may request for the suit or number to be changed. A good strategy is to suggest something that he has a lot of in his possession. The player who is able to get rid of all the cards in his possession gets to win the game.
This is another card game, but it is straightforward in nature. Players will just have to compare the cards in their possession with the objective of collecting all the cards in the deck. The winner is the player with the highest-ranking card.
Now, are you ready to have fun for family game night?
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